For information write Conference Manager, Beulah Beach, Ohio. Operated by The Christian and Missionary Alli ance. MIDWEST BEULAH BEACH - many acres of beautiful park land stretched one-third mile along Lake Erie. For informa tion write Alexander Morrison, 4330 Don Luis Dr., Los Angeles 8, Calif. Tenth annual Cali fornia Bible Conference July 7-15. YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK - the great out doors in all its grandeur. I I I I See your local Christian bookstore or write to: I I I I I I I I I I I Scripture Press DeP*- KBS’ 56
Wabash, Chicago 5, Illinois Please rush me a free copy of the 1956 ABVS Catalog, “ Champions for Christ.” Name. Get your FREE copy of “ Champions for Christ,” descriptive catalog, brim ful o f proved suggestions for conduct ing a VBS that really reaches the entire family for Christ. CALIFORNIA Interdenominational Premillennial Evangelistic Missionary AR IZONA BIBLE INSTITUTE offers ft A Bible-centered curriculum ft 3-year Pastoral, Missionary and Christian Ed ucation courses ft Free tuition-1-moderate living expenses ft Ideal winter climate Arizona Bible Institute 3025 West McDowell Phoenix, Arizona This is the Year of Olympic Games Train CHAMPIONS for CHRIST with ALL-BIBLE Vacation School Lessons Here’s the VBS course that’s ALL- BIBLE, yet tied in with each pupil’s daily experience- the kind of training program that will develop spiritual champions in your Vacation School.
Write for FREE news letter today EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. Hold up their hands-swell their number with your prayers and gifts.
Splen did group of full time workers in the field. WESTĭOOTS 3TG OpGtl Many children need care, many hungry hearts waiting for the Word, little opposition.

A ll inquiries should be directed to the conference and not the magazine.

Our faith work has established an Indigenous Church and includes the only Bible School in the country training workers also Radio and Colportage ministry, Orphanage, 19Missionaries, etc.ĬONFERENCE D IRECTORY T he King’s Business presents the following Summer Conference Directory as an encouragement for its readers to plan a "vacation with a purpose.” These conferences represent those that replied to our invitation to appear in this free listing. This time of fasting hasn’t merely been about getting an answer but about drawing closer to God than ever before.GreatNeed! Pray for the evangelizing of Uruguay, little known and long neglected field. Moses did not simply seek the hand of God he sought to know God. In Hebrew, the word used for "face" symbolizes not just someone's appearance but also the very essence of who that person is. Scripture says, "Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend" (v.11a NLT). But despite all his responsibilities, Moses left all these distractions behind to go to the tent of meeting and spend time in the presence of the Lord. He would have passed by people awaiting his decision, people needing wisdom there would have been as many complex problems as there were people in the crowd. And as he walked out of the camp, there had to be a million things on his mind. He had enemies to fight, battles to win, and a nation to lead.

Now, this is a guy who was facing some major mountains. During that waiting period, Moses would pitch a tent outside the camp, which he called "the tent of meeting." It was here he would spend time seeking the Lord.Įach time Moses left the camp to go to the tent of meeting, the people would stand at the entrance of their tents to watch him as he passed by. In Exodus 33, we find a fascinating story of the people of Israel who were camped out in the desert, waiting to go into the promised land.